Category Archives: Presentations

After Pacificon 2012

Pacificon was a fun weekend. We had a good fleamarket, Dawn had record breaking Cookie Lee sales, and I made a pair of presentations on the Arduino SWR Sweeper and Pneumatic Launchers.

It was great meeting new people, seeing old friends, and getting a dose of Ham Radio excitement.

Soon we will put the new Triple Ratio Balun kits back in the catalog. If anyone is really anxious, drop me an email via sales at akbeng dot com.

Field Day and Pacificon 2012

Hope everyone had a great Field Day! We sure did! We had a lot of fun with Antenna Launching, and of course with the radio as well!

Next up is Pacificon 2012 with the ARRL joining us for the National Convention! This will be a big one, and we have an Antenna Launching presentation on Sunday morning! Prior to that we will be at the HFPack forum presenting some new Amateur Radio Arduino projects. At other times you may find us at the Buddipole booth.

Hope to see you there!

New Servers

Our webhost moved us to new servers yesterday, and we are having to do some cleanup. Let us know if you have any problems.

Pacificon was very nice, and we had a great turnout at our Sunday morning presentation. Thanks to all who came or stopped by at the Buddipole booth to chat.