Order Status

Nominal Order Preparation Estimates

  • Since 2020 the request backlog has been growing. We have marked many products out of stock due to excessive delays and started keeping a request list to contact you when we are ready to take another batch of orders.
  • Order delay estimates are estimates. This business is operated on a time available basis, we don’t have sufficient inventory or any staff and we have no way to guarantee shipping schedules beyond what is completed or close to completion at the current moment.
  • Note that in some cases times may stretch out longer than usual, send us email if there are any questions.
  • Recent events have caused some additional delays in order preparation as well as increases in demand and pricing of materials as well as material shortages and increased lead times on some components or no longer available items and suppliers.
  • If you have a delivery requirement let us know, we may not be able to meet it but it is best to know it early for planning and communication.
  • Foreign Destinations take longer due to additional paperwork and a special trip to the Post Office that must be scheduled for shipment. Additional shipping costs are necessary. We process foreign orders very rarely and may not be able to ship to some destinations.
  • PayPal no longer refunds their fees on refunded orders. This is their policy change, not ours. Fees are approximately 3%. They do allow refunds out to about six months but the fees are not refunded.

Shipping (and Other) Status Reports

3/2024 All paid orders have been prepared and are in the process of being shipped.

6/2023 All paid orders have all been fulfilled in time for Field Day. Have a great Field Day. We will open the catalog briefly for the next batch of orders sometime in July. If you want to be notified drop us an email and request to be on the list. Thanks for your patience.

  • We have moved to an email notification list and we open the catalog briefly for out of stock items when we are ready to accept new orders (several times per year). Let us know via email if you wish to be added to the notification list. We make items after receipt of paid orders and work from the PayPal paid order list.

Older News

  • Super Kits now include sand scoop and sand funnel to aid in preparing launch balls.
  • 3D printed barrel spacers conform to barrel and chamber curves and have internal slots for cable ties, now included in all models and kits.
  • Trigger Struts now 3D printed and included in all models and kits.
  • 3D printed Mini Coaxial Reels have replaced the Saunders Archery Zip reels (due to Saunders Archery no longer making them). For broken Saunders Reels we are making a replacement spool, see the online catalog for details.
  • Hackers damaged the website, some documents in the unsupported wiki have been lost since we had to remove it.

NOTE – The dates of orders placed are the date we record in the order log. Generally this is the date of the PayPal transaction, or the date the phone, email order or check is received. Accessories or parts ordered with a launcher or kit are considered part of the launcher or kit order.

NOTE – If your package is ready to ship, and we are waiting for address confirmation, the shipper to pick it up, or a payment to arrive or clear we count it as shipped for the purpose of the dates above.

NOTE – Estimates are based on availability of parts and time and subject to change without notice.