October Update

I hope everyone is doing well, we had some significant delaying issues last month. We are a bit behind schedule, we shipped another 8 orders just before Pacificon but there are a few more from the last batch that we are working to get out yet. Then we will be ready to take another batch of new launcher orders. Thanks for your patience.

It was good to see folks at Pacificon, and the Wayne and Eric of Elecraft gave us a rare event – a new radio released at Pacificon.

As we usually do we had a booth at the Flea Market and saw a few customers and sold a few launcher items, however the rain came through and we had to put things away quickly and wet.

I have been setting up some new 3D printers that will help with production rates and with some new materials for better temperature resistance. I’m also planning to add a new tool to the deluxe kits to help with launcher assembly.

I’m behind on some emails, will try to catch up on those soon.

We haven’t decided if we are going to attend Quartzfest next January. The cost of fuel has skyrocketed, and it’s a long gas guzzling tow trip from here. In any case the weather at that time of year is quite unpredictable and has caused us to cancel more than once even after plans were laid.
