Category Archives: Antenna Launching

Innovative Applications

We have had customers apply our Antenna Launchers to many purposes. The paraplegic who wanted to exercise his dog. The researcher who needed to put sensor lines into tall trees. The power utility that needed to put sensors on high pipes. The roofing contractor that wanted safety lines over the houses. The Ham Radio operator who wanted to put wire antennas over large patches of poison oak. If you have a unique application for our Safe Line Launchers please let us know. We should compile a list!

Field Day

Was a lot of fun this year. We used the CSV17 to put up a number of antennas. One was a quadruple extended double ended Zepp, nearly 400 feet long. It was about 90 feet up. Just below one end of that antenna was a Spiderbeam support line, and the beam was riding calmly in the breeze at about 50 feet. That breeze got pretty nasty one night, testing the tents — some of which were not up to it.

Between the two antennas, and a couple of others we racked up about a thousand contacts, which is not bad for the band conditions and number of hours we operated.

At any rate we are back and ramping up production again on launchers. A fistfull of orders popped in after FD and we’re making parts to catch back up.

Thanks for your support!!